

Reiki for When Your Head Hasn't Caught Up With Your Heart

This podcast episode offers Reiki to everyone who hears it. If you hear this podcast episode and don’t want Reiki, don’t worry, Reiki can only be received by those willing to receive it.

This episode is a reading of a tarot spread that was inspired by the hand positions I was taught to follow for hands on Reiki treatments. In my lineage, Reiki treatments begin by placing hands on the head, and then moving the hands down the center of the body and placing or hovering them over the areas of the heart, the solar plexus, the navel, and the sacrum.

As with all Reiki offerings, no one knows how Reiki sent by tarot card reading works except that it intuitively goes exactly where it is needed and always serves the highest good.

In this sending spread, three cards across the top represent the head and are read to bring attention to the recipient’s thinking. A small, two card cross below the head position cards represent the heart and read to bring attention to the recipient’s personal power. Three cards run vertically down the right side of the of the spread represent the solar plexus, navel, and sacrum, and are read to bring the recipient’s attention to conditions of, and ways of showing up in the environment.

The cards that appear in each position of this spread are:

Head Position: Eight of Wands Reversed, Ten of Swords, Two of Swords

Heart Position: Two of Rods Reversed crossed by Queen of Swords

Solar Plexus: Paige of Cups

Navel: Six of Rods Reversed

Sacrum: The Emperor

Reiki for The Thinker